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professional courses

Aesthetic medicine
and cosmetics – on-line

PDO/PLLA threads

Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Foxy eye eyebrows and eyelids lifting

    Two methods of application of thread - Lower and Upper

  • Two application techniques

    Raising eyebrows and eyelids and creating the "Lisi eye" effect

price: 1199 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Lip lift lifting

    Lifting and enlarging the upper lip with lifting threads

  • Two application methods

    Simple and oblique techniques and their selection to the output state of the mouth

price: 1199 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Korekty nosa metodą Barbie Nose

    Tworzenia efektu zadartego nosa i uniesionego za pomocą nici liftingujących

  • Korekty wad nosa

    Optycznego prostowania skrzywionego nosa i niwelowania orlego nosa

price: 1199 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Liftingu twarzy za pomocą nici

    Podnoszenia owalu twarzy, usuwania „chomiczków”, usuwania bruzd nosowo-wargowych

  • Uwydatniania kości policzkowych

    Zmiany rysów twarzy, tworzenia proporcji „trójkąta młodości”

price: 1199 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Implantacji nici PLLA

    Prawidłowego użycia nici PLLA i ich różnic w stosunku do nici PDO

  • Wielu technik aplikacji

    Podania śródskórnego, podskórnego, technikami liniowymi, warstwowymi i krzyżowymi

price: 1999 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Liftingu pośladków za pomocą nici

    Zaawansowanych metod poprawiających wygląd pośladków

  • Prawidłowych technik implantacji

    Doboru grubości i ilości nici, prawidłowej głębokości podania

price: 1999 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Implantation of PDO smooth threads

    Developing different areas of the face with many techniques

  • Selection of the type of thread

    Choosing threads for the needs of the skin and their proper implantation

price: 799 zł Includes 23% VAT

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Course content

  • +

    Video tutorials - step by step

  • +

    E-book with the tutorial script

  • +

    Bonus - social media graphics pack

you will learn:

  • Implantation of plants thread

    The correct use of PLL threads and their differences in relation to PDO threads

  • Many application techniques

    Intradermal, subcutaneous, line, layered and cross techniques

price: 799 zł Includes 23% VAT

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